FADICA programs and events build community, deepen understanding on issues, and catalyze impact.
Monday, March 10–Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Join FADICA in New York City for our 2025 Annual Member Meeting, as well as an invigorating and interactive Summit on faith-based philanthropy and our common home alongside Church leaders and experts in caring for vulnerable people and our ailing planet.
“There is a creativity and a dynamism that happens when you are with peers from different parts of the country who are engaged in supporting different kinds of ministries and apostolates. That creativity is very helpful in our own work as funders.”
Kerry Robinson,
Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities
Wilmington, DE
FADICA is the leading philanthropic peer network serving as a catalyst for a vital Catholic Church, Catholic ministries, and the common good. We promote the growth and effectiveness of Catholic philanthropy inspired by the joy of the Gospel and the Catholic social tradition. FADICA supports its members through education, exchange, fellowship and faith, research, joint funding opportunities, and interaction with Catholic leadership.