Catholic Foundation World Mourns Death of Father Paul Locatelli, S.J.
Washington, DC – – Father Paul Locatelli, S.J. a philanthropic advisor and expert on Catholic higher education, and a frequent guest at gatherings of Foundations and Donors Interest in Catholic Activities, died on July 12, 2010 after a struggle with pancreatic cancer. “We have lost a good friend, holy priest, and brilliant educational leader”, said Dr. Francis J. Butler, FADICA’s president. “Father Paul Locatelli, S.J. whose counsel and advice was extremely influential and hopeful as many foundations looked to the future of Jesuit colleges and universities”, Dr. Butler added. “We can only express our gratitude to him for the inspiring vision that he brought to Catholic higher education both at Santa Clara and subsequently as Secretary for Jesuit Higher Education,” Dr. Butler added. Father Locatelli met in October, 2008 with the members of FADICA for a conference to mark Father Locatelli’s service in Jesuit Catholic Higher Education. The program held in White Sulphur Springs West Virginia included Fr. Locatelli’s upbeat appraisal of the growing interaction of Jesuit colleges and universities world wide. “We see globalization as the new context of our effort as educators. And we must ask not whether we are educating for global society but how well,” Father Locatelli told the FADICA conference participants. Father Locatelli’s commitment to educating students about poverty and injustice extended from the streets of east San Jose to the jungles of El Salvador and to Rome. He retired from the presidency of Santa Clara university in 2008, but held the title of chancellor. For the past two years he has