FADICA’s Statement in Response to Sexual Abuse Reports within the Catholic Church

The sexual abuse of children and vulnerable adults in the Catholic Church is an outrage. FADICA stands in solidarity with the survivors of sexual abuse and prays for the healing of all victims. We condemn the practices, cultures, and actions that have led to or allowed this abuse to occur. We call for immediate interventions to end sexual abuse and the individual and systemic practices which propagate them. As the Church, the people of God, we affirm that all Catholic organizations and individuals have a responsibility to be part of the solution. As such, FADICA recommits to participate by providing leadership to support the prevention and eradication of sexual abuse in our Church. In the coming months, our community will continue to identify solutions, examine best practices, and endorse actions to address this crisis. A number of FADICA members focus on child protection in their grantmaking and support their grantees – Catholic institutions and diverse nonprofits – in implementing high standards of protection for children and vulnerable adults. We commit to expanding the application of these and other effective models. We reiterate our prayerful solidarity with survivors of sexual abuse. As a community of Catholic philanthropists, FADICA commits to serve as a leader in ensuring the safety of children and vulnerable adults.

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PhLIP’s Don Bosco Cristo Rey Student Receives Honors

Congratulations to Karla Delgado, FADICA’s student employee from Don Bosco Cristo Rey High School and participant in FADICA’s Philanthropy Leadership Intern Program (PhLIP), for recently receiving first honors in academics and excelling at her Corporate Work Study placement at FADICA.

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Mapping the Global Catholic Church

Recent FADICA speaker Molly Burhans, the 26-year-old Founder and Executive Director of GoodLands, is on a mission to map the global Catholic Church and help local communities learn how to best utilize their land and prepare for natural disasters and combat social issues. By exploring which dioceses are more likely to experience famine or be harmed by rising sea levels GoodLands hopes to open the channels of communication for problem solving and collaboration.

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Blending Tradition & Innovation: Our Interview with Dave Barringer

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a national Catholic organization that has served people in poverty for over 170 years in the United States. Steeped in the Vincentian charism and an ethos of innovation, the Society serves in 4,400 parishes across the country with 95,000 lay Vincentian volunteers and operates 450 thrift stores. It practices a person-centered approach through programs such as home visits and spiritual development for volunteers, while also utilizing systemic change approaches such as the Bridges out of Poverty and new re-entry initiatives. When Dave Barringer became CEO of the Society’s National Council in 2013, he was attracted to the Society’s unique fusion of tradition and social enterprise, where he felt his faith intersected with his business background and skills—and where he could practice his deeply held values of a personal, local, and faith-based approach in a national setting. In our interview with Dave, we asked him how the Society achieves this balance and to share with us other elements that make the Society unique.  On faith and Vincentian charism FADICA: What is your personal story of how you became involved with the Society? And why did you choose this as your work? Dave Barringer: I found the position of National Council CEO really interesting—it is an intersection of my faith and my business and nonprofit background. In talking about it with my family, I realized the Society is a culture in which I wanted to be, even though the position was in St. Louis and we lived in Washington, DC. It reinforces what I had already thinking about regarding

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Faith, Innovation, and What’s Next in Catholic Philanthropy

FADICA held its largest Annual Meeting and Symposium February 9 -11, bringing together over 100 FADICA members representing more than 35 foundations  in Santa Monica, Cali. in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, the most diverse archdiocese in the country. Nationally recognized speakers from around the country engaged members through presentations, rich conversations, and innovative models in the fields of homelessness, Catholic education, immigration, human trafficking, and the next generation of Catholic philanthropy. Archbishop José Gómez welcomed and blessed FADICA members and provided a special session on the V Encuentro, which will create 20,000 new pastoral leaders as it discerns best responses to help the Hispanic Latino presence in the U.S. Church. Rev. Gregory J. Boyle, S.J. delivered an inspiring spiritual reflection on his life experience as founder and executive director of Homeboy Industries, the largest gang intervention, rehabilitation and re-entry program in the world. Rosanne Haggerty of Community Solutions and Tiziana Dearing of Boston College’s Center for Social Innovation led a thought-provoking discussion on innovative strategies to end homelessness. FADICA Member Roma Downey of LightWorkers Media, Noel Diáz of El Sembrador Ministries, and Matt Meeks of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles inspired members with stories of their Catholic media vocation and visions for Catholic media. FADICA celebrated three Catholic philanthropists by honoring Kathleen McCarthy Kostlan, Robert Smith, and Sr. Sally Duffy, SC for their exemplary contributions to the Church.

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Happy 40th Anniversary FADICA!

FADICA kicked-off its 40th anniversary and a year of programming at its 40th Annual Membership Meeting and Symposium in Coral Gables, FL on January 27th.  Top-notch speakers, networking, prayer, and stimulating discussions illuminated our theme, “Helping Goodness Spread”, and connected us to each other and innovative leaders and models. Highlights of the symposium included: Remarks by Cardinal Seán O’Malley, recipient of this year’s Distinguished Catholic Leadership Award Motoring through the Models: Innovation for Impact in Catholic Schools – a round robin session with four groups of presenters on the topics of Governance, Blended Learning, Advocacy/School Choice and Funders’ Collaborative & Data Transparency A Dialogue between Sr. Mary Johnson, SND, Ph.D. of Trinity Washington University, Kathleen Sprows Cummings of the University of Notre Dame, and Sr. Julie Vieira, IHM of “A Nun’s Life Ministry” on the recent report, Understanding U.S. Catholic Sisters Today The Opening Address on Social Innovation in Catholic Philanthropy by Susan Raymond, Ph.D. of Changing Our World Honoring four Board Members for their combined 55 years of service to FADICA as they transition to the Emeritus Board (B.J. Cassin, Thomas Healey, Maureen O’Leary and Michael Rauenhorst) Poignant Mission Moments shared by members on the significance of the FADICA mission and experiences over the past 40 years A transcription of both the speakers’ presentations and the members’ mission moments will be published as proceedings and made available in the late spring.

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Catholic Sisters Hopeful about Future: New Report Released by FADICA

Foundations and Donors Interested in Catholic Activities (FADICA) released the report Understanding U.S. Catholic Sisters Today on December 9, 2015.  The report is a comprehensive look at the latest sociological studies of U.S. Catholic sisters and presents new findings that Catholic sisters are hopeful about their future, unified amidst diversity, and attracted by joy to consecrated life. The report comes during the Year of Consecrated Life, in which Pope Francis called on religious to look to the past with gratitude; to live the present with passion; and to embrace the future with hope. The report concludes that this outlook has already taken root among American Catholic sisters. The report finds that 1,200 women are currently in formation to become Catholic sisters and that more than 250,000 millennial Catholic never-married women have considered a vocation to consecrated life. One of the barriers for women interested in consecrated life is educational debt— one in three women applying for admission into a religious community owe an average of $21,000 in student loans. Among newly professed sisters, the report finds higher levels of education (70 percent have bachelor degrees) and greater diversity (17% Hispanic/Latino; 16% Asian/Pacific Islander; 8% African-American/Black/African). These statistics and others found in the report challenge stereotypes and point to the vitality of women’s religious life. To download the report or find resources to support, engage, or become a sister, visit wearesisters.net. For any questions, please contact Lauren Traskey, Associate Director of Communications, at 202-223-3550 or ltraskey@fadica.org. ### For 40 years, FADICA has served as a dynamic and

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FADICA Praying for the Synod on the Family

FADICA joins in prayer for the Synod on the Family, which is taking place at the Vatican from Oct 4th to October 25th.  At the first official session, Pope Francis emphasized the church must be “a ‘field hospital’ with doors wide open to whoever knocks in search of help and support; to reach out to others with true love, to walk with our fellow men and women who suffer, to include them and guide them to the wellspring of salvation. ” He also urged an interpretation of “reality with the eyes of faith and the heart of God.” Coverage from multiple sources, including Catholic News Service, Crux, National Catholic Register, National Catholic Reporter and more will offer regular updates on the Synod of Bishops. 

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FADICA Welcomes Pope Francis to U.S.

FADICA President Alexia Kelley welcomes Pope Francis to the U.S., on behalf of the FADICA Board of Directors and its members. In sharing her enthusiasm about his visit, she said, “I pray that Pope Francis’ historic visit will touch hearts and minds, so that the gospel will take root, where the poor and vulnerable shall be first, and the care for human dignity and God’s creation is central.” Read more at Ms. Kelley’s blog: Pope Francis Will Ignite Catholic Philanthropy In addition to the main TV networks, here are a few ways that you can follow the Pope’s visit: USCCB will be live streaming coverage of all of Pope Francis’ events while in the U.S. Follow him from the perspective of the archdioceses of Washington, New York, and Philadelphia. Follow updates on Twitter: #PopeinUS  #PopeinDC  @NY_arch  or @wmf2015 Stay updated on commentary and news in the Catholic media, including  America Magazine, Catholic News Service, Crux, EWTN, and National Catholic Reporter. 

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