FADICA’s Statement in Response to Sexual Abuse Reports within the Catholic Church
The sexual abuse of children and vulnerable adults in the Catholic Church is an outrage. FADICA stands in solidarity with the survivors of sexual abuse and prays for the healing of all victims. We condemn the practices, cultures, and actions that have led to or allowed this abuse to occur. We call for immediate interventions to end sexual abuse and the individual and systemic practices which propagate them. As the Church, the people of God, we affirm that all Catholic organizations and individuals have a responsibility to be part of the solution. As such, FADICA recommits to participate by providing leadership to support the prevention and eradication of sexual abuse in our Church. In the coming months, our community will continue to identify solutions, examine best practices, and endorse actions to address this crisis. A number of FADICA members focus on child protection in their grantmaking and support their grantees – Catholic institutions and diverse nonprofits – in implementing high standards of protection for children and vulnerable adults. We commit to expanding the application of these and other effective models. We reiterate our prayerful solidarity with survivors of sexual abuse. As a community of Catholic philanthropists, FADICA commits to serve as a leader in ensuring the safety of children and vulnerable adults.