New Additions to Spirituality Series on Women Published/ Project Represents Unique Contribution Of Catholic Philanthropy, Higher Education and Catholic Publishing
Washington, DC – – The sixth and seventh books in an eight part series on the spirituality of Catholic women, have been published by St. Anthony Messenger Press. The books, part of the Called to Holiness Poject, are entitled: Finding My Voice, by Beth M. Knobbe, a campus minister at Northwestern University,. and Creating New Life, Nurturing Families, by Sidney Callahan a Distinguished Scholar at the Hastings Center in Garrison New York, and mother of six children, and five grandchildren. Both are part of an innovative publishing project that grew out of one of FADICA’s conferences exploring ways to encourage womens’ participation in spiritual direction and Catholic theological reflection. Individual members of the FADICA organization joined forces with Fairfield University to underwrite the manuscript development stages of the project, conceived and edited by scholar and popular writer, Dr. Elizabeth A. Dryer. St. Anthony Messenger Press moved the project through the publication and marketing stages in order to reach a very wide audience. The series began to be published in the fall of 2008. Early books included Making Sense of God, by Dr. Dryer, Grieving With Grace, by Delores R. Leckey, Living A Spirituality of Action, by Joan Mueller, Awakening to Prayer, by Clare Wagner, and Embracing Latina Spirituality, by Michelle A. Gonzalez. The project represents a rare collaborative partnership among religiously interested philanthropists, Catholic higher education, and Catholic publishing. An eighth book in the series, Weaving Faith and Experience: A Woman’s Perspective on the Middle Years, by Patricia Cooney Hathaway, is scheduled for publication next Spring. Additional information on the series can be found at