The people of the Nuba Mountains–a disputed region in Sudan that shares a border and ethnic ties with South Sudan–are starving, reports a recent article by the National Catholic Reporter. A Catholic bishop and Catholic medical missioner visited the United States earlier this year to speak for the Nuba people and seek an international intervention to halt aerial bombings, open roads to allow food relief to be brought in, and to require the parties in conflict to negotiate peace.
Bishop Macram Max Gassis, who heads the diocese of El Obeid in Sudan and South Sudan, and Dr. Tom Catena, a volunteer physician, presented a briefing in February on the food crisis in the region, at an event co-sponsored by Caritas International and the Catholic Medical Mission Board and held at the Church Center for the United Nations in New York City.
To learn more about the crisis in Sudan and Catholic Medical Mission Board’s work, visit the following links: