FADICA’s research on efforts to combat human trafficking, Agents of Awakening: Review of Anti-Human Trafficking Activities at U.S. Catholic Colleges and Universities, was featured in an October story appearing in U.S. Catholic. From the article: “A 2018 report from Foundations and Donors Interested in Catholic Activities found that more than half of the 200 U.S. Catholic colleges and universities surveyed conducted some form of anti-trafficking work.”
Another FADICA-backed anti-human trafficking group released a new video chronicling its history. U.S. Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking thanked FADICA members for their encouragement and support as they launched. The USCSAHT participated in a meeting in Rome of Talitha Kum, the international network of women religious working to end human trafficking. An officer from the Leadership Conference of Women Religious who represented USCSAHT at the Rome meeting wrote that the group is “thriving thanks in large part to the vision of Margaret Nacke, CSJ, and the support and encouragement of FADICA! We’ve come a long way in five years. Thank you!”