Washington, D.C. – – The leading membership association of major grantmakers to Catholic sponsored programs and institutions, FADICA has opened a month long search for candidates for a senior level position which will enhance public awareness of FADICA’s work and mission in faith based philanthropy.
In making the announcement, FADICA’s President, Dr. Francis J. Butler, pointed out that the organization was looking for a talented and experienced person who is able to develop a communications and marketing strategy that will guide the organization over the next several years.
Foundations and Donors Interested in Catholic Activities is a thirty four year old organization with a distinguished history of catalytic and constructive influence on religious giving and Catholic life.
The organization is comprised of some fifty private foundations and grantmakers whose yearly charitable giving is in the range of a half billion dollars.
FADICA sponsors regular conferences exploring faith based philanthropy and the future of the church. Its members have also joined together occasionally around funding partnerships in areas of common interest.
Among FADICA’s accomplishments have been the founding of the National Religious Retirement Office; a start up role in the inauguration of a U.S. program of aid to restore the pastoral capacity of the Catholic church in twenty nine countries of eastern and central Europe and Russia; the creation of Support Our Aging Religious (SOAR); the sponsorship of the first independent management studies of the Holy See; and funding collaboration in the founding of the National Leadership Roundtable on Church Management, among other measures.
FADICA is also the publisher of The Catholic Funding Guide, a compendium reference providing guidance on grant sources in the Catholic world.
The world of Catholic philanthropy today reflects an environment of vast transitions necessitating a more active, informed leadership involvement by donors, Dr. Butler said. FADICA is strategically situated to influence the quality and direction of the expanding field of Catholic philanthropy at a pivotal moment for Catholicism. We are looking for a person of vision, experience, and commitment who can contribute and help lead FADICA in this new era, he added.