Medicines for Humanity (MFH) presented Sr. Joyce Meyer, PBVM with the 2015 Humanitarian of the Year Award last month in Boston. Sr. Joyce is a Board member of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation and past director of the Hilton Fund for Sisters – both FADICA members – and a longtime participant in FADICA. The award honored her legacy of support and leadership of women religious in their mission to improve maternal and childcare in underserved communities around the world. It also recognized “the talent, service capacity, commitment, and authentic selflessness of women religious… and their critical role as ‘agents of change’”, said MFH’s Chris Bilodeau. Sr. Joyce “was proud to accept the award on behalf of sisters world-wide who, through their dedication and passion,” help vulnerable children and mothers “to not just survive, but thrive.” FADICA was represented by Board Member Betty Anne Donnelly who conveyed FADICA’s congratulations!